
Become a Sponsor

MS Congeniality TV star

There’s absolutely no way I could do what I do without the support of my sponsors. Through donations and advertising contracts, my sponsors say “yes” to standing behind unity, peace and cultural understanding. Let’s add your business or organization to the list!

There are THREE ways to get involved with the “Life Without Borders” Platform and highlight your business in the process. You can help fund the “Life Without Borders” national Rotary youth exchange scholarship. Or you can advertise on my TV show “MS Congeniality.” Let me know today which options works best for you.

Jaimee Dorris - life without borders - Ms Congeniality Tv - Mrs Mississippi 2020

Life Without Borders

Knowing, first hand, how life changing foreign exchange can be for students, I established the “Life Without Borders” national scholarship through Rotary International. The goal of the scholarship is to give more teens the opportunity to affordability experience a life without borders for themselves. 

Be the first to help fund a legacy scholarship that will help even more American teens to experience a “Life Without Borders.”

Contact us today to discuss options.

Siberia Russia Travel - Kemerovo

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MS Congeniality TV

We are starting to film season 4 of MS Congeniality TV. Our advertisers get commercial space and content created promoting their unique business.

Contact us today to discuss options.

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

Ryunosuke Satoro